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Jun 21, 2017

The Canadian Bar Association – BC Branch awarded Labour Rights Law Office the Innovative Work...

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Dealing with Discrimination at Work

Jun 20, 2017

Discrimination at Work – While employment law in Canada is designed partly to protect against wor...

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RCMP rehires Mountie who developed PTSD after Mayerthorpe shootings

May 19, 2017

Mayerthorpe shootings – The RCMP has been forced to reinstate a Mountie who suffered from post-t...

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Mountie suffering PTSD following Mayerthorpe massacre battles discharge from RCMP

Oct 25, 2016

Mountie battles discharge from RCMP – A former Mayerthorpe RCMP officer who developed post-traumat...

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Monty Robinson sues RCMP for breach of duty, alleged threats to legal funding

Oct 17, 2016

Monty Robinson sues RCMP for breach of duty – Former Mountie Monty Robinson is suing the RCMP ...

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Finance Monthly Magazine – 2016 Global Awards edition has now been published.

Sep 29, 2016

Finance Monthly Magazine is pleased to announce that its 2016 Global Awards edition has now been...

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Rulings critical of WorkSafeBC spawn call for review

Jun 20, 2016

Coquitlam man Giorgio Cima hasn’t once been interviewed by WorkSafeBC, yet his claim for workersâ...

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Man Who Boss Called ‘retard’ Wins Review of Claim

May 27, 2016

A man, who wrestled with the sudden onset of a debilitating speech impediment and then received a pr...

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RCMP Deputy Commissioner Dubeau misrepresents Privacy Commissioner’s findings!

Feb 21, 2016

On Friday, 19 February 2016, Deputy Commissioner Daniel Dubeau, RCMP Chief Human Resources Officer, ...

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